
Videos made for UKOTCF by Ann Pienkowski

Over several years, Ann Pienkowski (the Honorary Environmental Education Coordinator of UK Overseas Territories Conservation Forum) has taken a good deal of video film of the nature of UK Overseas Territories, during her voluntary work helping on local projects. Some of this has been used for local events and TV broadcasts. Use of some of it has also been donated to fill gaps in coverage in making the mini-documentaries in the Britain’s Treasure Islands series (see section 2 below).

Recognising that she has some unique material, Ann has now started editing her video into short documentaries. These videos may be used freely, with acknowledgement to Ann and UKOTCF. Links to these will be added below as they become available.

  1. Conservation work in the Save Our Special Nature of Montserrat programme
A background to the Adopt a Home for Wildlife project, featuring conservation action at Tim Orton’s rare and threatened tropical dry forest area:

Extending the story at Tim Orton’s site to link with the Mountain Chicken Project, describing the first stage of experimental testing of ideas to provide conditions suitable for these Critically Endangered frogs to overcome the introduced invasive fungus which threatens their survival – and that of many amphibian species around the world:

Update on Tim Orton’s work: Tropical Dry Forest Restoration in Montserrat – The Challenges


2022 is the anniversary of the liberation of the Falklands, and UKOTCF was delighted to facilitate the return of Tim Orton’s Battle Ensign of the flagship HMS Invincible to the Falklands in time for this special anniversary: 


Dwayne Hixon’s Adopt a Home for Wildlife site at Old Road Bay:

The work of the Cork Hill Reunion Committee, joining Adopt a Home for Wildlife, by removing invasive plants and reinstating native species species in the area of their former homes where access has recently been restored: Cork Hill Reunion Committee

Montserrat National Trust’s native plant nursery, which is vital in supplying the young plants for Adopt a Home for Wildlife and other sites: Native Nursery Appeal

2. Montserrat Birding in Paradise

– an introduction to visiting Montserrat and its unique wildlife, produced shortly after UKOTCF and Montserrat National Trust published the book “Birding in Paradise: The Caribbean Emerald Isle of Montserrat – A guide to bird-watching, nature and heritage sites“, and updated in March 2024.

3. Grand Turk Special Birds on your doorstep

 video of the birds of the salinas (salt-pans) of Grand Turk to celebrate the opening of trails by UKOTCF and the Turks & Caicos National Museum. Guides in the Birding in Paradise series for each of the islands are available

For Ann’s videos on the Environment Ministers Council meetings, go to here, and for those on the Gibraltar conference 2015, to here.

Britain’s Treasure Islands, films by Stewart McPherson

In 2015, UKOTCF helped Stewart McPherson with his project Britain’s Treasure Islands together with many partner organisations in the UKOTs.

As part of this, we helped to fund a series of mini documentaries on the premise that they would be open source so that everyone could enjoy them.