Illegal Wildlife Trade education packs
UK environment ministry, Defra, has asked us to make UKOTs/CDs aware of education packs recently produced on illegal wildlife trade. At UKOTCF’s suggestion following this request, Defra/WWF have arranged for these resources to be available without the previous complex application procedures. Whilst the examples do not relate directly to UKOTs/CDs and illegal wildlife trade, the general issues are addressed and the materials well made. The following information has been supplied by Defra:
Environment Minister Thérèse Coffey said: “The illegal wildlife trade is an international tragedy. This serious organised criminal networks do more than just damage wildlife – corruption and illegal activities undermine sustainable development and the rule of law, bringing misery to local communities.
“Through the online education packs, we will make sure that younger generations understand the importance of not fuelling demand for products made from illegally traded wildlife. This will provide a strong legacy from last year’s Illegal Wildlife Trade conference for schoolchildren and teachers around the world.
“This is real progress to crack down on environmental crime. Working together, we can end this insidious trade.”
There are three education packs available:
1 & 2. WWF-UK education packs:
WWF-UK has produced two free packs aimed at primary (KS2) and secondary (KS3) school students, focusing on raising awareness of the illegal wildlife trade – what it is, and the part we can play as individuals to tackle it. These are now available for all to download: https://www.wwf.org.uk/get-involved/schools/illegal-wildlife-trade#resources
Illegal Wildlife Trade Detectives (KS2) and Illegal Wildlife Trade: Investigations (KS3) include activities that can be delivered through different subject areas or as part of a themed week on sustainability. Activities include an interactive quiz, photo cards and a map showing species at risk from the illegal wildlife trade. Together, these activities combine to create an engaging resource to inspire school communities to take action to help protect nature and wildlife, both locally and globally.
3. Tale2Tail education pack:
Tale2Tail, a charity which uses storytelling, art, photography and creative materials to help teachers in the classroom educate children about saving wildlife, has produced a separate and beautifully illustrated free pack. This has teaching notes and over 20 hours of illustrated lesson plans, including a play, to raise awareness of the trade in Illegal wildlife and build a worldwide child wildlife ambassador network. The pack includes illustrations of animals in from Axel Scheffler, the illustrator behind the Gruffalo; and photography from world-renowned photographer David Yarrow. The images bring the story telling alive for young people. Download the pack here: https://www.tale2tail.org/educational-packs.
By helping children understand and find their voice on this global issue, Tale2tail aims to change behaviour around the buying and selling of elephant ivory, rhino horn, pangolin scales, cheetah cubs and other endangered wildlife. The charity wants today’s children to be the generation that takes the lead to ensure the survival of wildlife.
Kate Studholme, CEO of Tale2Tail said: “We need to ensure elephant and rhino don’t become the 21st century’s unicorn, only to be found on the pages of a book, so we have created an original and beautifully illustrated education pack to raise children’s understanding and awareness of illegal wildlife trade. Tale2Tail aims to change behaviour around the buying and selling of endangered wildlife.”