Wonderful Water
Wonderful Water: a course for schools
The Wonderful Water environmental education materials were developed by UKOTCF, the Turks & Caicos Islands (TCI) Department of Education, and TCI teachers. A small start-up grant from the UK Overseas Territories Environment Programme was supplemented by donation of large amounts of UKOTCF volunteer time, and donation of all the photographs – which, unlike most available curriculum material, were primarily pictures within TCI.
The target age group is 9+ years, but these materials can be used flexibly as best judged by the teacher, and have been used up to senior secondary level. They take account of the curriculum being used in TCI, and have clear objectives for students at different levels of competency.

The materials for a particular unit consist of a pupils’ text, a teachers’ guide, and supporting illustrative material. All the examples used are from TCI, and are illustrated with many high-quality coloured photographs, as well as appropriate diagrams. They are produced as electronic pdfs, so that they can be used flexibly, e.g. computer-projected or displayed on a tablet, and updated periodically.
The first two sets of materials, on Wetland Ecosystems in the Turks and Caicos Islands and on the Mangrove Ecosystem, have recently been revised, and can be downloaded free of charge using the links below.
Other units focus on Natural Freshwater Systems are currently being revised, and will be available shortly.
UKOTCF is making these materials freely available. However, donations to enable further revision and production of more units would be greatly appreciated. You can donate here.
Wetland Ecosystems in the Turks and Caicos Islands
Mangrove Ecosystems

Mangrove Ecosystems
The files on Mangrove Ecosystems can be downloaded here:
Feeding Relationships in the Mangrove Ecosystem
Classification of organisms in the Mangrove Ecosystem