Forum News 61 published

Issue 61 (October 2024) has been published. It includes, amongst other material:
- Several articles on UKOTCF’s joint work with Montserrat National Trust and other organisations and individuals in Montserrat on several major projects; these range across the work of “Adopters” of “Wildlife Homes”, surveys of several invertebrate animals, and restoring the Montserrat National Herbarium
- Reports of 2 spider species new to science found on Ascension and a centipede new to science from the Chagos Islands
- The Royal Naval Bird-watching Society, a UKOTCF Associate organisation; and the Nautilus Project, a new UKOTCF Associate organisation
- Articles on Sharks at Ascension; and the “Blue Belt” programme
- An open letter arguing for an environmentally sustainable approach to development in Cayman
- A celebration of the lives of the Late Mr Cedric Osborne OBE, OM of Montserrat, and of the Late Mr Bob Conrich of Anguilla
- Special offer on UKOTCF-published book on major conservation success
- First announcements of a UKOTCF online conference in October 2025, and of an online conference on St Helena 27 & 28 November 2024
- Summary of UKOTCF webinar on avian influenza 30 September 2024
- A note of the new UKOTCF Ant Working Group
- News of UK Government’s surprise announcement about the sovereignty of the Chagos Archipelago
- Update on plastic pollution
- Experiences of a visitor in the Pitcairn Group
- Awards under Darwin Plus main projects Round 12.
This issue and others can be read at, or downloaded from, here.