Recommendations and conclusions from conferences
There has been a widespread view amongst participants at UKOTCF conferences that they should strive to reach some clear conclusions and recommendations on the topics addressed (these topics resulting from wide consultations). At the 2015 conference, these were grouped into recommendations to UKOT/CD Governments, UK Government, NGOs, Other funding bodies, Private Sector & Utilities, and under the following topics: Environmental Education and Awareness; Renewable Energy; International Agreements; Using informed decision making to manage development sustainably, including Environmental Impact Assessments; Stakeholder and User Stewardship; Legislative Framework; Economic and Intrinsic Value of Sustainable Use: Invasive species; Biodiversity data; other aspects of Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Resources; Capacity and resource issues; UKOTCF and its Regional Working Groups; and UKOTCF roles. See full conclusions and recommendations.
As a way of assisting UK Government, with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) leading, each of the recommendations directed towards them were divided into short, medium and long-term gains. Some ways in which the UK Government would better address some of the needs of the UKOTs in the short-term with little or no investment, have already been implemented, such as the removal of environmental education as an ineligible project activity from the Darwin Plus funding scheme.