Training & Workshops

A number of training events and workshops took place during the project. 

Here we make available some of the materials generated for these in the hope that they are widely viewed by others or as a reminder of what the training events covered. 

Training: Horticulture Training, July 2024

Leigh Morris from UK Overseas Territories Conservation Forum visited Montserrat in July to co-deliver horticultural training with MNT’s Chris Sealys.
This video highlights the presentation ceremony for all those who have attended the training. Before the certificates were presented he gave a short presentation on the training over the last 2 weeks and his thoughts on the challenges and opportunities facing farming on island. 

Workshop: Garden to Profit

Norman Cassell provided a workshop at the Trust in June 2024 for those interested in turning their garden or green space into something that could potentially generate income. 

The mini workshop, “From Garden to Profit,” was hosted by Adopter and NAMCAS CEO, Mr. Norman was live-streamed on MNT’s Facebook page. 

Training: Horticulture Training, May 2023

In May 2023, shortly after Chris Sealys joined the Trust, he worked with Leigh Morris to deliver a horticulture training course. Elements of the training sessions were aimed at different audiences including: MNT staff, DoE staff, young children and the wider public. A blog of Leigh’s visit is available here

Materials including videos and demonstrations are provided here on the MNT Training Resources Page

Some of the training events both in classroom site and in the field

Training (Online) iNaturalist 

Throughout the project, the use of iNaturalist has been promoted, including at the islands’ first bioblitz.

A link to recent iNaturalist session can be found in the video here.

Training (Online) Stingless bees

This information session provide useful insight into the world of stingless bees. It was hosted by Trinidad with support from the UN Development Programme. Two Adopt a Home for Wildlife participants attended. Feedback after the session noted that it was helpful to gain and understanding of some of the requirements of the islands’ stingless bee, the bottle bees, specifically the different types of vegetation it needs for successful nesting and feeding.

See more here: BES-Net TT Workshop Series on Stingless Bees

Melipona bees at the entrance to a natural hive. Copyright: Dr Justin Runyon

Workshop & Training: Herbarium

In July 2022 project partners from Mesie Botanic Gardens provided Montserrat National Trust staff and interested Adopters with a training in plant collections with the view to having an on island herbarium.  

Herbarium training 2

Workshop: Adopt A Home for Wildlife Adopters

On 15, February 2022 the Montserrat National Trust hosted a training event for the Adopters who have signed up to the Adopt A Home For Wildlife project.

Project staff included those from the Department of Environment and Department of Agriculture.

Presentations included: An introduction to surveys on the sites, propagation & plant provision and identification of invasive species. 

 Click HERE to view photos.
To view the presentation given at the workshop click on the slides. 
Adopters Workshop