Invertebrate Collections, Field guide and Species list

Invertebrate Collections

Research aimed at understanding Montserrat’s invertebrate fauna has led to the development of several invertebrate collections. The Montana University Montserrat invertebrate collection includes various groups such as bees and wasps (Hymenoptera) and beetles (Coleoptera). Mollusc specimens are housed at Bard College’s Simon Rocks Research Station on Montserrat, with additional specimens for other invertebrate groups held by various international experts. In collaboration with the Department of Environment, there are now plans and efforts to secure funding to develop a more comprehensive invertebrate collection on Montserrat, providing researchers on the island with invaluable access to these important resources.

Montserrat Invertebrate Field Guides

Photographing specimens from the Montana collection and collating invertebrate photos from the field have resulted in the creation of a series of Field Guide sheets for different invertebrate groups. Initially, Ajhermae White from Montserrat collated photos into guides, which were further developed and extended to different groups by David Clements through the Species Recovery Trust, UK. Below are some examples of the Field Guide sections. For access to the Field Guides, please use the contact information provided.

Montserrat Invertebrate Species List

The collation of Montserrat’s invertebrate species data into a comprehensive species list was initiated by Vicky Wilkins, Species Recovery Trust in 2023. This list is now available and the latest version be requested using the contact information below.
Contact Information
For further information about the data, specimens, or field guides, please contact: