The Sites


Sites are located around Montserrat. They represent habitat types across the island. The map shows the approximate locations.

Below the table provides more information on the sites features and the Adopters interest in the project.

To see some of the video footage captured at some of the sites follow the link on the image to visit the videos page:AHW Video thumbnail

Adopt A Home Wildlife Sites Image
Approximate location of sites Montserrat

Phase 1

These sites listed in the table were set-up during the main project period. Click on the links to watch short videos to see the sites and view progress:

Site Reference

Wildlife Home


Site Type (e.g. habitat, topographic and anthropomorphic features)

 Survey Results
 Number of plant species (+ denotes increase; – denotes decrease)
For full results click on the number. 


Part of Garibaldi Hill


Tropical Dry Forest – relatively intact and being restored



Belham River Mouth, Old Road Bay

Land leased 

Golf course next to coast at Old Road Bay with natural vegetation and re-excavated wetlands



Cork Hill village (could equate to several Wildlife Homes)

Cork Hill Reunion Committee

Formerly in volcano exclusion zone, that part of it now opening up. Natural/traditional vegetation to be restored after over-running by Java plum (local name black-berry) in the 20 years management impossible

See notes


Pipers land donation, at Frith

MNT & tenant

Most likely at transition between wet and dry forest. Nature trail etc: natural area, with possible fruit planting & small campsite

See notes


Natural part of Eco-Play site


In Salem, a built-up settlement next to botanic park. Re-establish native vegetation in small area



School grounds

Lookout School

Re-establish native (and possibly traditional) vegetation (crops, medicinal and native plants) in small area; barren disturbed ground. On Eastern side of island so very windy and exposed.



Lawyers Mountain 1

Private Individual 

Centre Hills outside the protected area, good buffer habitat. 



Hibiscus Drive

Private Individuals

Garden which needs redesigning and planning coastal vegetation in semi-inhabited area of Olveston site also contains riparian habitat (ghauts)



New Government House

Governor’s Office (NB: This site was withdrawn)

Large house grounds on edge of ghaut and above sea-cliffs so coastal

See notes


Lawyers Mountain 2

Private Individual 

Centre Hills outside the protected area, good buffer habitat. Near Oriole walkway nature trail



Cork Hill

Private Individual 

Site in former exclusion zone used for beekeeping 

 See notes


Cassava Ghaut

Private Individual 

Cassava ghaut; close to Centre Hills Protected Area boundary



Hibiscus Drive

Private Individual 

Both in ghaut habitat; close to coast


+ delayed to the second phase

Phase 2

Several sites were added in Phase 2 and a preliminary baseline survey was conducted. See results here 


Tropical Mansions


Hotel complex with an overgrown area to the rear of the property with an unused plant nursery. 

See notes


Allen Property

Private Individual 

Area close to nature trail in north of the island. 

See notes

A note on QGIS

QGIS is a free online tool that was used to create maps and survey points on each Adopt a Home for Wildlife Site. 

For more information on QGIS visit: QGIS

Online-tutorials are a good way to learn how to use QGIS for conservation. There are many online course you can also attend. 

It has been exceptionally useful throughout the project. Below is a flavour of what the maps looked like when created for each Wildlife Home. 

The beauty of it is that it can be used to generate random survey points which relate to the exact GPS location.  

It is one of the free on-line tools that the project has made use of. 

Early in the project the Project Officers attended a short-course on the use of QGIS supported by Montserrat’s GIS Unit. 

QGIS Wikipedia
Montage of AHW Site maps QGIS