Montserrat National Trust
Training Resources Page


The Montserrat National Trust and Ministry of Agriculture Housing Lands and Environment worked with senior, knowledgeable staff and horticulturalist Leigh Morris to provide some training on propagation and techniques for maximising food production such as grafting and air layering. Here were provide some of the course materials and videos from the training.

Propagation training

Introduction to Propagation

This presentation was put together in 2023 as part of the horticulture training provided by Leigh Morris, CEO Manx Wildlife Trust & UKOTCF Council and Chris Sealys, from the Montserrat National Trust.

An introductory session was held at the Montserrat National Trust to introduce some of the key concepts around propagation. The PowerPoint can be downloaded here: MNT Intro to Propagation

Videos from the session which took place in the native plant nursery are available here

Grafting workshop

Grafting Workshop

Some videos of the grafting workshop are found here:

  • Air-layering Videos

  • Grafting Videos

    Some of the workshop participants provided some feedback on what they had learned throughout the day. They include members of the MNT team, members of the farming community and the Minister for the Environment.

  • Feedback Videos