Linking Tourism & Conservation (LT&C) is a support organisation for the UN goal to reach a complete and representative global network of protected areas. LT&C has been established and registered in 2014 in Norway as a non-profit membership NGO, which acts globally to make tourism a significant force for nature conservation. Its members are distributed and engaged on all continents, representing all levels of society and both realms, tourism and conservation. LT&C works with both its members and partner organisation to profile worldwide cases, where tourism is supporting protected areas, financially, politically or through education. Those so-called LT&C-Examples need to be replicated and rapidly multiplied if we want to contribute to reverse the global decrease of biodiversity. The missions of UKOTCF and LT&C have much in common. Our partnership means to cope with this challenge together, specifically in the UK Overseas Territories.
The Mission of LT&C:
Facilitating an educational global network of tourism and conservation ambassadors. They collaborate to increase tourism best practices that support the establishment, development and management of protected natural areas.
The Vision of LT&C:
A world where the tourism industry is a main patron of a global network of well-managed protected areas representing and sustaining the world’s diversity of habitats and ecosystems.