Calpe 2000: Linking the Fragments of Paradise, Gibraltar 2000

The conference was sponsored by the Government of Gibraltar and was organised by the UKOTCF, with the Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society.
This conference formed one of a new series sponsored by the Government of Gibraltar, under the series title “Calpe”, which is the old Roman name for Gibraltar. This particular conference addressed environmental conservation. Its title reflects one of the first publications (Fragments of Paradise: A Guide for Conservation Action in the U.K. Dependent Territories, 1987) which initiated what became UKOTCF as well as highlighting the immense biodiversity value of the UKOTs, and the need to provide for increased exchange of knowledge between them and other areas.
The conference was intended as a working meeting, to help Territories take forward work, particularly in a range of areas that have been identified as priorities by workers in the small territories:
- Environmental awareness and education
- Information networking
- Tourism and funding for the environment
- Making protected areas effective
- Biodiversity action planning
Emphasis was placed on sharing knowledge and experience between workers from the various UKOTs, but also with other Overseas Territories, such as those of France, Spain and the Netherlands, as well as relevant small independent states.
The full proceedings can be downloaded here.