HomeUKOTCF Conference 2025UKOTCF Conference 2025 Offer of talk or poster submission form UKOTCF Conference 2025Offer of talk or poster There are two ways you can submit your offer of a talk or poster (1) via our online form; (2) via the Word document which you can download and email to the conference organising team. 1. Online form I would like to submit an offer for: Talk Poster Name(s) of author(s), with institution(s) if appropriate Contact details for presenting author (preferably an email address) Territory/ies, if appropriate Conference topic(s) that the talk/poster could fit within Title of talk/poster Abstract of talk/poster Suggestions for conference conclusions or recommendations related to this topic and talk/poster I agree to supply the material noted in the timetable by the deadlines indicated, and recognition that failure to do this may mean any invitation to speak being withdrawn If space is not available for the presentation as a talk, the authors wish to offer this as a poster If space is not available for the presentation as a talk, I would like to offer this as a poster instead. Submit 2. Download the form and email it to us Download the Word document either as .doc file or .odt file. Then fill it out and email to us at: m@pienkowski.org and cwensink@ukotcf.org Offer of Talk or Poster .doc Offer of Talk or Poster.odt